American, or living in America?: "
or living in America?
you read this, you need to ask yourself a question. Are you an American or a
person living in America? This answer will be important later in the article.
I watched
the movie War
On Democracy by John Pilger at
the recommendation on a Facebook acquaintance, Russell Luck. I was
pleasantly surprised with the movie
as it raised many questions and allowed for many conclusions to be made even
though many appear contrary to the overall message of the film.
John Pilger’s documentary focused on the perils of South America, I found it
easy to make cross reference to what is happening in the Middle East. Don’t
think I dismiss the atrocities of history that has occurred in South America,
because I do not, however it is a few links in a large chain as I see it. No
matter where you look today there are a few patterns of history that seem to be
repeating and this film outlines many of them very well.
- The intent to achieve Global Governance, complete
control of the world, through political means.
- The control of the masses, as well as the natural
instinct to breed the society for domination and slavery positions alike. This
is often achieved through the takeover of Land and Religion.
- The collapse of the monetary
system allowing for a merge of the “classes”.
- The presence of Biblical Prophecy presenting itself as the
Last Days.
first thing you need to understand to grasp the message of this documentary is
what Democracy
is. A Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens have an equal say
in the decisions that affect their lives. Ideally, this includes equal (and more
or less direct) participation in the proposal, development and passage of
legislation into law. It can also encompass social, economic and cultural
conditions that enable the free and equal practice of political
United States political figures and the mainstream media loves to throw around
the word Democracy
as if it is the biggest gift under the Christmas tree. The problem with this is
that most Americans just assume Democracy is a wonderful concept,
they have been trained to think this though indoctrination, and they never
stop to think how Democracy works inside the border of the great super power of
America a Democracy? Would you be shocked to discover the answer is no? America
is indeed not a Democracy, but a Republic. What is
a Republic? A republic is a form of government in which the people, or some
significant portion of them, retain supreme control over the government. The
term is generally also understood to describe a government where most decisions
are made with reference to established laws, rather than the discretion of a
head of state, and therefore monarchy is today generally considered to be
incompatible with being a republic.
common modern definition of a republic is a government having a head of state
who is not a monarch. The word 'republic' is derived from the Latin
phrase res
publica, which can be translated as 'a public affair', and
often used to describe a state using this form of government.
modern republics such as the United States and India, the executive is
legitimized both by a constitution
and by popular suffrage. In the United States, James Madison
compared the republic to democracy, and found democracy wanting. Montesquieu
included both democracies, where all the people have a share in rule, and
aristocracies or oligarchies, where only some of the people rule, as republican
forms of government. In modern political science, republicanism refers to a
specific ideology
that is based on civic virtue and is considered distinct from ideologies such
as liberalism.
would ask themselves why a Republic would try so hard to push the concept of a
government they find inferior upon their allies and enemies around the world. To
what end does the spread of Democracy assist the United States? This is where
you need to start separating people by those who are American, and those who
are people who live in America. The spread of Democracy is not the work of
Americans, it is the agenda of the New
World Order.
democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There
never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.'
Founders, true Americans, feared creating a government that had too many
aspects of a pure Democracy. They feared the destructiveness that a majority
might have in trying to make everyone equal, and in the process taking away
property, rights of property, and with it our basic freedoms which they
considered 'God given Freedoms.' Their intentions in creating a
Republic were done with a great deal of forethought, because they knew that a
true Democracy would not only fail, it would eventually be raped of everything
that made it a great country and leave it with nothing.
that the ultimate goal of converting a neighboring country to Democracy would
put them in the position to sell their natural resources, devalue their own
currency, turn to a common religious belief, cause the people to turn on each
other for basic necessities, and eventually lead to the country falling into the
hands of a Dictatorship
is it really hard to understand why Democracy would not be seen as the perfect self-destruct
weapon? America has always been a “Super Power”, but it has not always been a
bully. Is it really Americans who are employing this weapon? Or is it being
used against America now too?
are a lot of things the Founding Fathers
could not have foreseen when they created documents such as the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights.
They did their best to protect our way of life and allow us to succeed, even if
all we had to offer the world was Hope, Faith, and
Charity. Although many scholars date masonic
symbolism and literature back to the times of our countries first leaders,
they gave us a gift that they believed was impenetrable even to those who would
seek to destroy it.
about Democracy] From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great
courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to
selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From
dependence back into bondage.'
Fraser Tytler, a Scottish born British lawyer and writer (1747-1813)
conspiracy of a New World Order Illuminati
Elite has moved from the shadows
and fairytales
of the conspiracy pages into the limelight. Through indoctrination,
nullification, misdirection, and false
promises this organization has led America into a state of disintegration where
it will eventually suffer the pangs of those countries it forced Democracy
onto. The real question remains, was it America who used Democracy as a weapon?
The Founding Fathers wanted nothing to do with Democracy, and that is one of
the ways we can tell our leaders today care little about this once great
nation. The majority of our leaders are steering America toward destruction
allowing us to see they are not indeed Americans, but people who live in America.
from Bible Prophecy, that seems to warn us of the coming trouble, we can turn
to history to see what the New World Order has in store for us. We have sat back
and watched for years as our Republic has both dismantled our friends and enemies
and then turned to take steps against its own structure. It is not difficult to
figure out what is coming next.
frequently happens that the members of the community promote the influence of
the central power without intending to. Democratic eras are periods of
experiment, innovation, and adventure. There is always a multitude of men
engaged in difficult or novel undertakings, which they follow by themselves
without shackling themselves to their fellows. Such persons will admit, as a
general principle, that the public authority ought not to interfere in private
concerns; but, by an exception to that rule, each of them craves its assistance
in the particular concern on which he is engaged and seeks to draw upon the
influence of the government for his own benefit, although he would restrict it
on all other occasions. If a large number of men apply this particular
exception to a great variety of different purposes, the sphere of the central power extends itself
imperceptibly in all directions, although everyone wishes it to be
powers accumulate there with astonishing rapidity, and the state instantly
attains the utmost limits of its strength, while private persons allow
themselves to sink as suddenly to the lowest degree of weakness.
Hence the concentration of power and the subjection of individuals will
increase among democratic nations, not only in the same proportion as their equality,
but in the same proportion as their ignorance.
this race
of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone
to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is
absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority
of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood;
but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that
the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For
their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the
sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their
security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures,
manages their principal concerns, directs their industry,
regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what
remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of
it every day renders the exercise of the free
agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will
within a narrower range and gradually robs
a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men
for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on
them as benefits.
having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful
grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over
the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules,
minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most
energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man
is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it
to act, but they are constantly restrained
from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does
not tyrannize,
but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each
nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock
of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.
about the effects of Democracy for a moment, and let’s concentrate on one of
the first stories that this documentary outlines. This is the relationship
between the United States and Hugo
Chaves. Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías is the 56th and current President of
Venezuela, having held that position since 1999. Following his own political
ideology of Bolivarianism and 'Socialism for the 21st Century',
he has focused on implementing socialist reforms in the country as a part of a
social project known as the Bolivarian
Revolution, which has seen the implementation of a new constitution,
participatory Democracy and the nationalization
of several key industries.
Revolution” refers to a leftist social movement and political process in
Venezuela led by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, the founder of the Fifth
Republic Movement (replaced by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela in
2007). The "Bolivarian Revolution" is named after Simón Bolívar, an early 19th
century Venezuelan and Latin American revolutionary leader, prominent in the
Spanish American wars of independence in achieving the independence of most of
northern Latin America from Spanish rule. According to Chávez and other
supporters, the "Bolivarian Revolution" seeks to build a mass
movement to implement Bolivarianism - popular democracy, economic independence,
equitable distribution of revenues,
and an end to political
corruption - in Venezuela. They interpret Bolívar's ideas from a socialist
film documents a failed attempt by America to force Democracy on Venezuela and
remove Chavez from power replacing him with a leader of our choosing. In the
end the United States does not succeed to take control of the Venezuelan
Government and Chavez grows more popular amongst his people. People in America
are taught to fear Socialism,
however the movie shows a version that works for their nation.
message I took away from this story was that there is more than one way to run
a country, and although Socialism would never work in America, it is accepted
by the majority in Venezuela and perhaps that is okay. If our Founding Fathers
were still in charge today I doubt we would have ever looked to pillage these
people of their resources, but that is not the case, we are ruled by a New World Order that
wants to take, take, take and they want it all for free. This makes sense why
Chavez has turned to building stronger relations within the Middle East and
begun helping them to further their cause.
story from the film that stood out for me was when they detailed the American
attacks that took place under the Regan
administration in southern Mexico,
Guatemala, western Honduras, El
Salvador, and northern Belize. This nearly
wiped out the Mayan civilization. I believe the Mayan people were targeted as a
result of something Nancy Regan,
known for relying on psychics
and the occult, learned in one of her many sessions. With the panic growing
about Dec. 21st, 2012
and the Mayan Calendar predictions
this may have been a fear that the American Government, Nancy Regan, or the New
World Order wanted extinguished
before it grew out of control.
Middle East is in chaos, threatening the security of Israel, and the world’s access
to oil. Communist China is on its way to
supplanting America as the world’s pace center and the global
economy continues to hang from a tenuous thread. It is no wonder we see
President Obama on every news station pretending that these weak and vulnerable
countries want Democracy. We are struggling as a nation and so it gives him an
open door to allow for the New World Order to strike.
many people of faith, in particular for
those who follow Christianity,
and Islam
present day conditions represent just the latest chapter in a series of events
foretold by each religions prophets. To me this signals an excuse for the American Government to wipe out the Middle
East, just as they did when they attacked the Mayans.
is no question at this point that all the major monotheistic religions believe
increasingly that the signs of the last days are in motion. Members of the
evangelical community may differ on the interpretation of the end of days but
it is becoming commonly accepted that we may be moving into the Messianic
are seeing a massive explosion of literature in the Jewish world, in the Muslim world,
and certainly in the Christian world about prophecy. Obviously from different
angles. In the last decade there has been a spike in the interest in prophecy that I am not sure can be
fully explained. Except to say that I think people sense something is coming.
interpretation over the past few years points to a knowing, a sense of things
to come. Just look at the string of movies offered as evidence,
representing an epic battle of good
versus evil.
is intriguing how much interest there is in Bible Prophecy. Not just how much
interest there is amongst laypeople, but among world leaders, the military,
intelligence agencies,
members of congress. They all want to know if there is one source that can give
us a sense of what is coming in the future, and what it means. The real fear is
what they plan to do with the information they discover. It is obvious with
Iran that their method to fight America and its Democracy peddling is through
the scriptures.
curiosity, and the frantic search for answers, is due in large part to the upheaval
in the Middle East. In what seemed like the blink of an eye what little stability
existed in that region was destroyed and all previous assumptions rendered
meaningless. All in the name of Democracy.
scares to me to watch the western media
talk about the Democracy movement in the Middle East. When the revolution was
happening in Egypt
our news outlets here in America would say things like “these are the people
want Democracy” and “these people are not the Muslim
Brotherhood, they are normal people who want Democracy”. Not everyone wants
Democracy. I doubt much of anyone wants America’s version of Democracy.
is not the first time the media has hidden America’s true agenda in a foreign
country. I wonder every morning when and where the next Chilean Holocaust
will be. It could happen anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. The documentary
points out the way Democracy almost destroyed Chile and its people through the Fascist leaders who
exercised their control even after WWII.
The people of Chile never knew what was coming because they were taught to
dismiss the German Holocaust, and those who do not know history are doomed to
repeat it.
World fascists of Chile did not hesitate to commit atrocities recalling the Nazi
massacres. For instance, the Chilean dictator General Pinochet, who came
to power with a military coup against President
Allende in 1973, turned his country into a river of blood. Pinochet had
Allende killed with tank and jet attacks on the Presidential Palace. However,
the Chilean people were told that Allende had committed suicide because he
refused to surrender. Following that, a ruthless policy to eliminate Allende's
supporters and the opposition was implemented. The junta killed
thousands of people in its first year in power, and approximately 90,000
Chileans out of a population of 9 million were arrested. The terrorizing of the
population, corpses piled up in morgues, or shot and thrown into the Mapocho
River, the detention of suspects in the Santiago
Stadium, hostage-takings, frequent search operations and lootings, were
just a few of the crimes of the Pinochet regime. Academic institutions were
'cleansed,' and history and geography courses in universities were
subjected to censorship
by the fascist authorities.
I think of the Santiago Stadium I fear what they are planning for the American
population. Remember the Super Dome in the Katrina
disaster? Was that the New World Order’s test run for America’s Fascist run FEMA Camps? What
is the Federal Emergency Management Agency? Simply put, it is the 'secret
government'. This agency has powers and authority that go well beyond any
other agency in the nation. What can FEMA do? It can suspend laws. It can move
entire populations. It can arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and can hold
them without a trial. It can seize property, food
supplies, and transportation systems. And it can even suspend the
Constitution of the United States.
the first concept had been presented, its original mission was to assure the
survivability of the United States Government in the event of a nuclear attack. It's
secondary function was to be a Federal coordinating body during times of
domestic disasters.
These disasters consisted of earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes.
'secret' black helicopters
that are reported throughout the US, mainly in the West California, Washington,
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado areas are flown by FEMA personnel. It
has been given the responsibility for many new national disasters such as
forest fires, home heating emergencies, refugee situations, riots,
and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. It works together with
the Sixth Army in the West.
series of Executive
Orders (EO) was used to create FEMA. It does not matter whether an EO is
Constitutional or not, it becomes a law simply by being published in the Federal Registry. These orders go
around Congress.
over 600 prison camps in
the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed
and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps
are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to
be implemented in the United States.
Rex 84
Program was established on the reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal
aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and
detained in detention lefts by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be
closed down and to be turned into prisons.
Cable Splicer and Garden
Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84
program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to
control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local
governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming
police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive
Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal
framework for this operation.
camps all have railroad
facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many
also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of
20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of
Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility
is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million
the recent attention being shown to FEMA Camp facilities it has become necessary
to “hide” these structures from the general public. To do this the Federal
Government has worked with states across the country to develop brand new Sports Arenas
for their athletic teams and sell it off to the tax payers as “important” to their
state, county, city moral. That’s right, the tax payers are funding their own death camps. Sports Arenas are the perfect
way to camouflage a FEMA Camp, and nearly no one will ever know.
FEMA Camps within the sports structures also allows FEMA to target children.
It opens the door to teach our nation’s kids how to behave, what to eat, what
to buy, and who to love. American Adults, wanting to give their children a “better
life” follow right behind in the message. There is a reason Marketing Companies
target children in advertisements. It is working, and it works in all areas of
American Society. Even President Obama
supported the notion that the revolutions in the Middle East were being fueled
by young people in search of freedom,
calling them an inspiration to us all. No one wants to distrust their leaders.
who follow the events in the Middle East know that the revolutions were not
calls from young people for Democracy, but chants of death and destruction. The
American media, controlled
by the New World Order, refuses to this day to show the truth.
The media tells America they are doing a good thing, and the American public
just accepts it and goes about their merry way. They have no idea that the
ousting of many of the political leaders in the Middle East opens a path to
allow Fascism and control in the name of Democracy.
major things happened within two weeks of the revolution in Egypt and the
overthrow of Hosni Mubarak that had nothing to do with the Democracy the western
media reported the youth was fighting for. Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who was
banned from Egypt as a radical Imam and
also banned from the United States and England as the leading terrorist in the
world, came back to Egypt. He was greeted with a hero’s welcome and asked to give
the first Friday sermon at Tahrir Square. The other event was when millions of
people stood in Tahrir Square shouting “we are two million martyrs ready to
march” and “death to Jerusalem”,
of course the western media did not cover that.
Yusuf al-Qaradawi is the unofficial spiritual and intellectual leader for the
Muslim Brotherhood. He hosts a weekly television show on the Al-Jazeera network called al-Sharia
& Life watched by millions. He is openly anti-Semitic. The leaders of
Egypt’s youth movements, the supposed instigators of the revolution itself, are
not allowed to speak on his show. US media ignores the messages of attack and
death that this show promotes and then shows sound clips of leaders like
Hillary Clinton
praising the Al-Jazeera network to seal the deal. Are you starting to play
connect the dots?
of these connections are that it turns out that Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the
spiritual head of the Muslim Brotherhood who has been living in exile Kartah
all these years, has a big international charity called “Union of the Good”.
This charity has a network of groups that belong to it, again this is a Muslim
Brotherhood network, and some of these groups are simply organizations that
funnel money to Hamas,
the terrorist organization. The location of the charity, it is important to
note, is based in the Gaza strip.
who believes, as the Muslim Brotherhood believes, in a Sharia
ruled government is at the heart of the matter a supremacist. They believe
their pathway to GOD is better. Knowing this it is easy to connect the dots
between Nazism
and the Muslim Brotherhood, but let’s look at the history.
is our objective; The prophet is our leader; The Quran is our law; Jihad is our
way; Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
people do not know this little secret, but the Persian Empire of the 16th
century was called Baghdad
in the west and Herat
and Afghanistan
in in the east, it extended up into central Asia, and then down into the Persian
Gulf. Another part of Iran’s history there is a connection between Iran
and Adolph Hitler
and the Third Reich.
to WWII, when Iran was still known as Persia,
German operatives used Tehran
as a base of operation against the British and Jews. Persia’s leader Rezā Shāh
Pahlavi became an ardent follower of Hitler and embraced the concept of an Aryan
Master Race. So much so that in 1935 he renamed the country Iran, which means
Aryan in Farsi.
the war began a number of Iranian
Nazi’s joined the fight. Two of the Nazi divisions were actually Muslim divisions.
You had the Albanian and a Bosnian division. While the open embrace of Hitler style anti-Semitism
may have ended in Iran and the Middle East with the war it’s influence did not.
powerful Arab leaders Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb took up the Nazi like
fight against the Zionism. Hassan
al-Banna was the founder of the Muslim
Brotherhood. Sayyid Qutb’s writings have become the theoretical basis for
many radical
Muslim groups including al-Qaeda.
Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928. Five years after the Islamic Empire
ended in Turkey
in 1924. From the 600s-1924, so 1400 years, the Islam, the Islamic Empire,
ruled and covered more land than the Roman Empire. The Islamic Empire, or caliphate, was
abolished following the defeat of Turkey’s Ottoman Empire in WWI. Turkey’s
President Mustafa Kemal Atatürk took the bold step of suspending Sharia law.
This gave women the right to vote, get an education, and dress however they
wanted. Not everyone supported this move and now we are seeing the resurrection of the
Muslim Brotherhood and Sharia law in the Middle East.
third player to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranians is Turkey’s AKP Party. This is the political party supported by the Turkish
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdogan, in the past, has been convicted for
inciting religious hatred and he served four month in jail. He has also signed
17 trade agreements with Russia.
He is very anti-Semitic and describes Israel as “the main threat to regional
peace”. He has even won the 2010 King Faisal Prize for “service to Islam”.
because of the immergence of the AKP
Party, the greatest threat to Israel and the US interests in the Middle East
may come from the seat of the last Islamic caliphate.
Turkey. NATO
member and ally to America, at least publically, it is the fastest growing
nation in the G20,
behind only China. It boasts the 10th strongest military in the
world, and largest in the Middle East.
AKP Party, the Islamist Party, people will say it is a moderate party. They
have effectively taken over the nation of Turkey. They have taken over the
presidency, the parliament,
and they seated the Prime Minister. They just passed a bill that allowed them
to rewrite the Constitution. This gives the new broad sweeping power over the
military. The military has been hollowed out by this powerful Islamic program. They
have handpicked and placed all their own Islamic Judges in the judiciary
and they have taken over the two media outlets in the nation. Like Iran, Turkey has now begun to openly talk
about expansion
of its influence and its borders.
have, in Turkey, the rise of the new Adolph Hitler of the Middle East and no
one is paying attention. We are still functioning on the premise that Turkey is
our ally, even though they are becoming allies with Syria, a hugely terroristic country. Turkey
has laid out plans to start an alliance with Iran under the guise of reaching
global peace. Egypt’s current leadership has said the same. When you connect the dots, it is easy to see the
hand of the New World Order in all of these events.
Islamists truly believed they are being commanded
to install a global caliphate, but not from a command given by the New World
Order, for them it is a command issued by GOD. They are quite confident that
they will win. You may see it as fantasy but if you look at it through their
eyes they believe they are responsible
for the end of the Soviet Union and America does not seem like much of a larger
Islamists are collaborating with drug
cartels to ship arms. This one of the excuses the American Government, now
primarily controlled by the New World Order Illuminati Elite’s, uses against
decriminalizing drugs and ending the financially draining WAR ON DRUGS. Another one of my Facebook acquaintances, Gabe Endthedrugwar Rivera,
recommends the documentary American
Drug War: The Last White Hope to better understand how ending the War on
Drugs would cripple both the New World Order and countries fighting against
Americas forced Democracy effort. Stopping both sides is the only method that
will end in the creation of a much more peaceful world.
an American it is easy to be torn between causes you know are valid and the
safety of America. The New World Order has done a fantastic job of setting up
Americans to fail by allowing them to see the after effects of their governments
forced Democracy programs without taking any blame, and then using the
information to take control of the world one country at a time. It becomes so
confusing and heartbreaking that most people choose to live in ignorance,
becoming Sheeple, allowing
themselves to be herded by both sides.
all, the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for over seventy Islamic
organizations worldwide including al-Qaeda. In addition to the Muslim
Brotherhood Iran has made no secret of its own expansionist plans and it is
believed that the global Islamic Empire is a mandate from GOD. Just a few weeks
after violence began in Tunisia and Egypt Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
declared a New World Order was imminent. The American media ignored this call
for a new Islamic Empire. They have investigated over 800 weak
sites within the US and have threatened to attack and take down America. They
have access to ships and nuclear weapons and could cause (EMP effect) catastrophic
damage to the US.
unlikely alliances
forming between nations against Israel and the US are one of the most troubling
aspects of current events around the world. For those who believe we are living
in the last days it is one of the strongest pieces of evidence. It is
impossible to make these forces understand what is really happening now. The
Islamists of the Middle East and the Illuminati of North America are really
who are battling for worldwide totalitarian control, and yet they still teach
it is America/Israel, the big and little Satan,
should be the ultimate target.
is unpredictable. The leaders are saying they plan to attack certain countries.
The United States and Israel. But they have designs for Saudi Arabia. They want to control what they
believe are the Holy sites of Mecca and Medina. They want control of Iraq. Iraq
is 65-75% Sharia Muslim. They want to control it along with Lebanon and Syria.
They have a vision of eventually controlling the entire world. They are not a status quo regime they are
a revolutionary regime. They are determined to expand Iranian influence across
the Middle East but particularly in the area of the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire
from the 16th century.
will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.
Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” ~Matthew 24:6
of Israel, in 1948, was the “Super Sign” of the last days for most
religious believers. There had been wars, and rumors of wars, and earthquakes,
and persecution of believers for the past two thousand years. What we haven’t
seen happen, in the context of all the other prophecies
coming true, is we haven’t seen the rebirth of the state of Israel.
who seek to destroy us, they don’t hide their intentions.
They are very clear. They want to become the final empire. We knew these
countries in the Middle East were tinder boxes about to explode. Famines, pestilences,
and earthquakes in many places at the same time alert church leaders
and avid followers to a prophecy, which for them, is both good and bad. We are
getting very close to a catastrophic
moment or series of moments.
ask me if I believe we are living in the last days. My answer is yes. Why?
Wars, rumors of wars, the rise and fall of prophets, false religions, false messiahs,
of the believers, earthquakes,
natural disasters, famines,
rise in lawlessness, crime. You can pretty much go through that list and go
check, check, and check. I’m convinced that after many years of studying Bible
Prophecy, we are very close to the end of time.
ask yourself if you are an American, or a person living in America?
If you want to save America you must fight against people even if they have a
very valid reason for trying to destroy our nation, or at least what it thinks
our nation has done to it. I know in the end I will stand for America, and I
will stand for Israel.
Additional References:
of an American
Liberty First: The Case Against Democracy
Stand for Israel
Infowars Israel
Glenn Beck’s
Rally to Restore Courage in Jerusalem
Muslim Cleric Issues
Fatwa Against Democracy
America: the attack on democracy
American Islamic Forum for Democracy
Means Pro-Muslim Brotherhood
Democracy, the Worst Form of
Government Ever Tried
Democracy Will Egypt End Up With?
the End of the World: Navigating Our Personal Apocalypse
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