The 80 Days of Rage /
Occupy Wall Street Encampments
(Wall Street Encampment is Turning into a Tiny Town)
The Occupy Wall Street protesters announced on Thursday that they'd started a "winterization committee" to prepare for an indefinite occupation of the park where they've set up camp near the nation's symbolic financial capital of Wall Street and Broad. Police on Wednesday said they couldn't close the public-private Zucotti Park, and the protesters plan to stay there until their demands are met. On Friday, Mayor Michael Bloomberg sounded skeptical of the long-term plan, telling radio host John Gambling "we'll see" if they get to stay. But the protesters have already started setting up a little community, with the upstart amenities vaguely reminiscent of a budding small town. It reminds us of Deadwood. (Continue reading this story).A long term commitment from this group, even if the numbers remain small, could have a lasting and powerful impact on their future endeavors. Fall/Winter months might not have been the best choice for a large scale 24/7 outdoor protest, but at least where they have chosen to claim their "base camp" will not directly interfere with everyday business to the extent many had feared in the beginning until demonstrators start dying off from frost bite and pneumonia.
While Occupy Wall Street is the "test run" for the coming occupations planned throughout America in October, it has become obvious that it has also become the flagship and so we should not look to see it dissolve anytime soon. I am fairly confident that the Occupy Washington D.C. protest and/or it's success/failure rate will be the catalyst that will turn these protests to violence around the world. I don't think it will be the demonstrators who will attack, although I feel they will definitely provoke, it seems more like an opportunity for Obama to exercise political power and authorize martial law. It will not end pretty. In fact, I doubt it will end.
These protests are very appealing being that they claim to represent the 99% of people who are not at the top tier of the income structure. Their demands encompass a wide variety of beliefs and moral outlooks which works against them in many ways making them appear unorganized and scattered. The protesters feel they are all working toward "one common goal", but that goal does not seem to be definable because with so many dissenting opinions they cannot just agree on only one general focus. Still they feel they are on the right side of history, but in the end they may be surprised to learn that they are being funded and organized by the very people that the vast majority claim to be there to fight against.
A borderless, one world government, shared religion society, with group representation (democracy) as opposed to individual voting rights (republic) would benefit the bad guys and not the good guys. Who are the bad guys? A borderless world as promoted by people like George Soros and organizations like Open Society benefits millionaires/billionaires and corporations who don't want to have to pay trade tariffs and work with customs to ensure the health of "the people". A one world government takes away the culture identity that makes us unique and forces everyone to be treated the "same". Sounds great right?!?!? This means no art, drama, dance, or creativity because people cannot be individuals, they must all be the same. Also no "group" will rule, but one King of the World will be in charge to avoid conflict of interest. They will be the ONLY person permitted to be an "individual" of any kind. Everyone will be told and taught from birth until death who and what to believe in. Everyone must match. Also remember that you will no longer be given the opportunity to "vote". Your group will vote for the greater good, even at your peril. Your individual sovereignty no longer applies.
It is chaotic and complicated. It is exactly what they wanted. Hopefully the good people who are being used all over the world will figure out what the bad guys are doing. It is a very hard choice. We all want to be on the right side of history, and once in the fray the crowd mentality can sweep you up and make you forget who you really are. Make the right choice for our country, yourself, your family, and the world. Stand up by refusing to participate in the bad guys false flag protest.
Good luck and blessings in whatever you choose.
Tags: day of rage, day of rage us, day of rage wall street, anonymous, anonymous occupy wall street, anonymous protest, anonymous wall street protest, occupy wall street, occupy wall street begins, occupy wall street ends, occupy wall st, occupywallstreet, takewallstreet, take wall street, wall street protests, nyc protest, nyc protest calendar, protest nyc, protest, new york protest, protest in nyc, demonstration, yahoo occupy wall street, wall street yahoo, american revolution, american revolutionary, revolutionary american, revolution, police brutality, riot, riots, protest on wall street, wall street demonstration, wall st protest, protest wall street, wall street protest, wallstreet protest, arrest, arrests, occupy wall street arrests, occupy wall street riots, false flag, false flag operation, false flag op, winterization committee, winterization, committee, Zucotti park, Zucotti, park, tent, tents, tent protest, tent city, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor Bloomberg, Bloomberg, wallstreet encampment, encampment, town, tiny town, wall street encampment
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