DJ6ual: An Irish Girl's Blog

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Road to Restoring Courage

The Road to Restoring Courage: "

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which will be held in Israel this August. While some may be surprised by
the announcement, those who have followed Glenn closely over the past
few years should see this as the next logical step in his career. First,
Glenn had the “We Surround Them” special on FOX, which encouraged
people to recognize that they are not alone and to unite with others
based on principles and values. This led to the 9/12 Project and the 40
Day/40 Night Challenge
– programs designed to help people focus on what
matters in their life and center themselves around faith and values.
Then came the Restoring Honor rally in Washington, DC, a nonpolitical
that called for America to turn back to God. The event celebrated
people and individuals who embodied the values of faith, hope, and
charity that were a hallmark of Glenn’s program leading up to the rally.
Glenn also hosted a “America’s First Christmas” in Wilmington, OH which
helped kick off the E4 project. Viewers were encouraged to look to each
other and their communities for solutions and away from big government.

How has this all led to “Restoring Courage”? Glenn explains in the clip below!


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